Strafford Associates Chartered Surveyors
48 Grange Park Drive
LS27 7UR
West Yorkshire
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0113 252 9100

Regulated by RICS
Compulsory Purchase
Compulsory Purchase and compensation work is a complex and specialised field, which for a typical high street general practice may represent only a minor element of overall instructions. As a niche practice specialising in this field of work, we have the experience and knowledge to provide you with the advice and services you need to deal with your specific issues. No two cases are ever the same and this is especially so in the field of compulsory purchase and compensation where a significant element of the work is related to personal loss.
Individuals and organisations of all sizes are affected by compulsory works, from the most minor of personal interests to major global corporations. The range of skills and knowledge required to assess, quantify and negotiate compensation for these losses is very wide indeed encompassing a significant area of land and property law and valuation.
The Statutory Compensation code is a complex assortment of statutes, rules and regulations that underpin what is, to most affected parties, a disconcerting and emotive situation to have to deal with. The nature of the work requires attention to detail and may require actions to be taken and responses to be made in accordance with prescribed time limits. We will take a proactive role in administering, advising and guiding you through the maze of processes and ensure that you are properly and fairly treated and, where appropriate, receive full and proper compensation for your losses.
Achieving the right balance between public gain and private loss in the modern world of privatised utility companies and Private Finance Initiatives is no straightforward task: with Strafford Associates at your service you can be assured of having taken the right step to strike that balance.
We offer a comprehensive range of services to both scheme promoters and affected parties covering the majority of situations that are likely to arise. We are well versed at integrating with internal and externaI professionals in a project team environment. In addition, we are able to call in other specialist services such as forensic accountants, civil engineers, building surveyors and specialist legal advice including Counsel should the need arise.
The following represents an overview of the range and type of work we are able to undertake:
• Advice on site assembly;
• Advice and assistance in the preparation of Compulsory Purchase and Side Road Orders;
• Preparation of compensation estimates for land take, disturbance and injurious affection etc;
• Preparation of evidence and negotiations relating to Public Inquiries;
• Easement and wayleave work in relation to the electricity, pipeline and telecom industries;
• Claims for crop loss and disturbance arising from pipeline and cable laying works, repairs, and renewals;
• Claims for loss of trading profits arising from works in the highway;
• Compensation work under Part 1 of the Land Compensation Act 1973;
• Pre-entry surveys/schedules of condition;
• Blight and Purchase Notice work;
• Negotiating service for site compounds and early entry;
• Private treaty negotiations in advance of CPO;
• The valuation, negotiation and settlement of compensation claims
including where necessary instructing/liaising with internal and external solicitors;
• Dispute resolution and Lands Tribunal work.

RICS Compulsory Purchase Helpline Scheme
We are participants in the RICS Compulsory Purchase Helpline Scheme whereby an initial thirty minute consultation is available free of charge to prospective clients.